My name is Elias! I'm the person behind this website. Welcome!
I am a non-binary loser from Poland. My pronouns are they/them but if you don't wanna use that you can use he/him instead.
I discovered Prozzäk a couple days (? weeks? I don't know time isn't real) ago at the time of writing this through freesha's site! You should definitely check them out, their site is really cool. Anyway so I discovered Prozzäk through their little website generator (I don't know what I should call it lol) so uh yeah.
I am autistic, professionally diagnosed. It sucks to be me. /joke
Fun fact: on this page, on line 271, it says "fab page" instead of "fan page". I don't know if it's intentional (as in, fabulous page) or if it's a typo. Still, I don't know if anyone caught that before.
I like:
WWW. ...
I won't believe it
until I read it
My heart is tied up in a knot
You know it's true